The rules of the Civil Code assume that the actors of property within the frameworks of their contractual relationships, are generally capable of exercise and protect their interests, therefore the law should intervene in their relations not more than necessary. This principle is realized in the freedom of contract. Thus, the Civil Code in many cases provides only guidelines to the parties, based on which they can create the content freely. This also means that professional legal representation is reasonable and necessary also in the field of contractual relations for the sake of clarity and predictability, and in order to avoid potential future legal disputes.

In this field of expertise my firm deals with the following assignments:

general legal counselling,
drafting and reviewing of agreements,
interpretation of agreements (analysing annulment, ineffectiveness, lack of conformity, etc),

drafting of property transfer agreements
drafting of service agreements
drafting of assignment agreements
drafting of use and distribution agreements

analysis of liability for damages, exercising claims for damages

However, in case the object of the agreement is a real estate, the legal requirements are obviously stricter, and the content becomes statutory. In case of sale of property agreements and the related legal acts, the involvement of an attorney, legal counsel or a notary is essential.

In this field of expertise my firm undertakes the following assignments:

clarification of the legal status of the real estate, analysis of burdens and indexes,
legal representation in the course of clearing the real estate of encumbrances,
drafting and reviewing of agreements for the transfer of real estate property (sale, exchange, gift, etc.),
drafting and reviewing of agreements for the use of real estate (lease, leasehold, etc.),
drafting and reviewing of guarantee agreements related to real estates,
termination of joint ownership on real estates,
legal representation in the course of the procedures of the land registry and other authorities,
drafting and reviewing of agreements for the transfer of real estate property (sale, exchange, gift, etc.)
Please be informed that pursuant to the regulation on ethical rules and requirements of the practice of attorneys issued by the Hungarian Bar Association, the cases undertook by the attorney and the clients represented by the attorney cannot be displayed on the attorney’s website.

This website is maintained by the Balsai Law Firm (registered in the Budapest Bar Association), according to the law and internal regulations which can be found on the homepage of the Hungarian Bar Association together with the information on the client rights.

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