New civil procedure regulations have entered into effect as of 1 January 2018. One of its express purpose is to increase the burden of the litigating parties in the course of exercising rights before courts. This requires a different approach in many aspects, compared to the previous system.

The legislator has defined also the cases of compulsory legal representation more widely. The role of written preparation has significantly increased in the civil litigation procedures. The professional compilation and submission within deadline of certain litigation submissions require more preparedness than before as well as a content formalised in an adequate legal manner. As a result of this, omitted procedural acts and those that were not performed in a well-established way, cannot be corrected subsequently, therefore, appropriate and efficient legal representation becomes essential.

My firm deals with the following assignments in this field:

legal counselling and representation in order to reach an out-of-court agreement,
legal representation in non-litigious procedures,
legal representation in orders for payment procedures,
legal representation in execution procedures,
legal representation in court procedures, at all instances of the judicial system, until the final and binding decision
legal representation in the course of extraordinary remedies (new trial, review)
Please be informed that pursuant to the regulation on ethical rules and requirements of the practice of attorneys issued by the Hungarian Bar Association, the cases undertook by the attorney and the clients represented by the attorney cannot be displayed on the attorney’s website.

This website is maintained by the Balsai Law Firm (registered in the Budapest Bar Association), according to the law and internal regulations which can be found on the homepage of the Hungarian Bar Association together with the information on the client rights.

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