Among other fields, my firm deals with the modification of the shareholder structure and operation of companies, the transformation of companies (mergers and divisions) and insolvency procedures (bankruptcy, liquidation).
In most cases, in this field of expertise my firm deals with the following assignments:
● modification of instruments of constitution,
● legal support and management of increase and decrease of capital
● transformation of companies to other form of companies,
● preparation of internal rules of companies (for example code of conduct, other regulations, rules of procedures),
● legal counselling and representation related to the operation and management of companies, drafting related legal documents,
● legal representation in winding-up procedures,
● legal representation in bankruptcy and liquidation procedures.

This website is maintained by the Balsai Law Firm (registered in the Budapest Bar Association), according to the law and internal regulations which can be found on the homepage of the Hungarian Bar Association together with the information on the client rights.