[A]ny lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect in no uncertain terms to make no statement to police under any circumstances.
Robert H. Jackson, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

(Watts v. Indiana, 338 U.S. 49, 59.)

Based on Article XXVIII (3) of the Fundamental Law of Hungary the right to defence is one of the essential elements of the right to fair proceedings, and its practical and efficient enforcement is required also by the European Court of Human Rights.

Well-prepared defence is not only the interest of the prosecuted person, but it is the interest of the court hearing the case as well, because only this way can the court deliver a justified decision by taking into consideration every necessary professional aspect.

New criminal procedure code will enter into effect as of 1 July 2018, one of the most important goal of which is to speed up the proceedings. The approach on the shared functions resulting from this, requires adequate preparedness also from the defence.

Therefore, the task of the defence attorney is to use or urge the use of every legal mean that decreases or eliminates the criminal liability of his/her client. Besides that, the presence of the defence attorney can guarantee and force the full effectiveness of the right of the prosecuted person.

My firm deals with the following assignments in this field:

legal counselling prior to appear before court after being summoned,
establish the defence strategy,
performing defence in each of the stages of criminal proceedings,
use of irregular remedies (for example new trial, review),
performing legal representation assisting the witness,
legal representation of the victim.
Please be informed that pursuant to the regulation on ethical rules and requirements of the practice of attorneys issued by the Hungarian Bar Association, the cases undertook by the attorney and the clients represented by the attorney cannot be displayed on the attorney’s website.

This website is maintained by the Balsai Law Firm (registered in the Budapest Bar Association), according to the law and internal regulations which can be found on the homepage of the Hungarian Bar Association together with the information on the client rights.

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